Gloomy_castle for WOTW

The story parkour consists of 3 worlds (gloomy_castle, sepulcher and resting_place, but basically all the parkour is in the first one. Quite enjoyable in my opinion. Can’t add picture.

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he deserves it just saying.

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I like the lore, but I think the story of the actual world could be better

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@Ringo_lad Yeah the kingdom doesn’t even have a name lol. Unless the one from wicked_spire counts, but even I can’t pronounce it :confused: .

Oh wait I can actually post a picture

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What I would add is this:
•introduce lore earlier in story, like ‘this kingdom is a shell of its past self’ or smth to give some backstory
• give protagonist more of a personality, let them have some insight on what’s happening like ‘what has happened to this place’ or ‘how am I gonna do this’
•add more of a climax and ending to world, maybe u have to defeat a past ruler to become king
Message me if u wanna discuss further

Do you mean like signs with lore along the way? Sounds pretty cool. But there is also the lore room you can access from the throne room.

not like im the best builder over there but atleast the start looks really random and weird, made of random generated objects… it surely a cave so thats weird that there is just holes in it, even tho at the end there is no more walls at all, still looks weird at the start.
i hope i didnt make you angry on me, maybe you will try to make it even better!
I understand that sometimes its hard to combine parcour elements and make it look great and not so off
Also sorry for my english lol
Uh yea i forgot, maybe you wasnt even trying to make it the best thing in the world, just wanted to make a story. if so then ignore me :grinning:

Vote this it is nice

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I forgot how this works cuz I have been away for some time

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No I did not confuse it. I just forgot how this works. I never rly paid attention to wotw, and it shows. I will get used to it again I guess.

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