So some chat in another channel about this through the games history.
I gotta say @VeryFast your name came to my mind!
Where have you been? Whats your say on current events? And of course the games demise
So some chat in another channel about this through the games history.
I gotta say @VeryFast your name came to my mind!
Where have you been? Whats your say on current events? And of course the games demise
From one lock hunter to another
I’m not sure whether to like that or not
I don’t come close! Neither does the player that started it.
There are so many
I mentioned Ken Links, what a player… Simply cos he engaged with players.
Generous to give away and just a decent guy. There are more
But I still think VeryTall (ig name), who has the most world’s, is there if such an award existed…