Guys can any of you explain why there is no lure shops?

So lately ever sine the update came out and wls became untradeable i haven’t seen any lure hops can any one explain why??

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There are lure shops but kind of rare to find. The reason why gems and lure shops are rare to find is because of the card update.

People who sell gems rather buy cards with their gems to get faster and bigger profits. And, People who open lure shops rather buy gems to buy cards for themselves or resell.


I second with Mindaw. It is just gems are needed for cards and like he said, people would rather spend the gems on cards for profit. Making lure shops dead and gone in the process.


Even BSP shops.
Gem sellers are really just harder to find and to buy right now. They are also more expensive. It is also easier to get quicker profit by selling Card packs so not much gems used for shops rn.


well ty bro this really helped

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ohhh ty bro this helped too g

Untitled 06-23-2021 01-14-58 Whaaa…

i really love the attention bro pls keep it up

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