Hack new

hey guys i got hack in teleport p2p i do maze and other guy automatic speeding he’s going faster than flash and beat me but have proof but support no reply please help

If support doesn’t reply discord the moderators. If you are not of the legal age to have a discord account send me the proof via direct messages here and I will send it to the moderators or Siskea.

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u have siskea added? i can send u friend

You can dm anybody if you have a mutual server.

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Report ingame or to support@kukouri.com (With proof)

Siskea won’t respond in discord (And I’m pretty sure she has dms off)
If you want to still contact Siskea email support@kukouri.com with “For Siskea”

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i lost bc im so sad no reply

He just said support hasn’t responded but we have to catch the hacker fast to reduce the damage caused by him to the minimum.

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I have proof he mod name

Nope delete that, that is illegal to say.

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Hi there, welcome in forums!

Like @Celics said, report ingame or email support with a evidence of the hacker actually hacking (ex: a video footage)

If you got solid proofs of that player hacking, support will handle this and take care of the hacker. They do read all support emails, don’t worry :wink:

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sorry modz i am just very sad :frowning:

And also you won’t get your bc back :disappointed: by the way how much did you Lose?

Yeah sadly bytes can’t be returned

I’m kinda sure support doesn’t need to respond if they don’t need further information (And they won’t respond fast)

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10k but i was going against world minor and i think is hack

Hmm so he has a good chance to be hacker, because of the high bet.

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Report the hacker to support. (support@kukouri.com) with video proofs.