Help. False ban

yea so i did a gm saying i was buying some shady ahh exploits, not actually or was i associated with selling/buyin. but you had to gm it in a giveway to win bruh and i got banned :neutral_face::neutral_face:

A bunch of people gmed this

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Yeah witnessed that myself, it was an innocent “first to global message” game. Decay just be wilding at this point.


Yeah, i hope moderators understand my situation and maybe i can get unbanned

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On one hand, I agree that the ban was too harsh if the majority of players was involved but on the other, I agree you that you did deserve to be punished because you were indeed involved in ‘breaking the game rules’.


I didnt even read what it said i just typed out as fast as possible

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To be honest, i can onlii agree to the fact that the mod should verify “is this person actuallii buying/selling / apart of anii shadii stuff?” before banning, because people tend to gm useless & random stuff sometimes, but that’s just me, i double check before i react to situations, and if i miss something, boi do i feel terrible about it.


this one’s on you tbh

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It’s classic these days for people just get banned, just get used to it my man.

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I told you not to do this man

I feel sorry for you :purple_heart:

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You can claim anything on a global message that doesnt mean you are that or associated with that

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I feel sorry for you brother

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Regardless you advertised or said you’re buying these exploits. A moderator shouldn’t have to look into if you’re really buying them, if you say you’re buying them we are going to take your word for it, we have tons of other reports and you should know better to not advertise or promote them.

If someone is offering to pay you or give you something for a GM, you should use your judgement and think “can this get me banned?”, “does this look like I’m buying these exploits?”.

You contributed to the rule breaking activity.

For ban appeals you have to email nobody here can help you.

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