Hints or clues

Been browsing the forum for a while now and haven’t seen any hints on the update does anyone have a clue? a little hint or leak would liven and hype the game and community up

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What update are you speaking of?

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The update that Jake said? not sure what it is… very clueless abt it

I don’t usually watch stream so I am of no use. HeyRicky is typing maybe he knows

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Well, the next update will be St. Patrick’s Day event.

After that, there’s going to be a “BIG” update in May. We still don’t know what is it going to be about, but maybe we are going to have some sneak peeks in one of Jake’s Livestream before it.


Hopefully since most people are in a dead end rn

Thanks for the info tho everyone

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Hello Tuckiess, Welcome to the Forum!

Maybe a Space update a new way to get gems…?

To be honest, I don’t know. Jake have not told us about it, he only said it was going to be a “big” update compared to St. Valentines and St. Patrick Updates.

I don’t think we are going to get a new way to get gems, since we just had the Mining Update recently. Although it would be great to have a new way to earn gems.

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Maybe something to do with Shurikens. A ninja Update may be…

Hopefully it will be the music update

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There will also be an Easter Update in between those two.

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Maybe it has something to do with Pixel Worlds’ lore

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Thank you for the welcome :star_struck:
Tho there might be some hint in the video he posted before the one titled as " [Pixel Words Update that never happened… Xmas calendar door 16" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge64HK-mckM tho not sure but the Zombie thingy seems so intruiging

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That seems game changing tbh being able to make ur own music seems refreshing for the game

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Oh yes, of course! I forgot about that. :sweat_smile:

The Easter Update it’s probably going to be a small update like previous years.
It will bring an event where you can hunt Magic Eggs in worlds and also an Easter Booster.


Been waiting for something like this since 2017

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welcome to the forum @Verniy!

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