History Hologram item suggestion

What if in the game is a history hologram? Its so use full you can place it into our world and warp from you world to a just visidet world. What if u can get it from SecretBase or something.
History Hologram

if you mean it would show whole history im pretty sure it would fill alot of space of servers. if not its a bit useless. you can just leave the world and look at history. the other holograms have some use atleast. you
cant check your fav worlds or locked worlds without them. also if you designed it its awesome
welcome to our community btw

Thank You, for feedback.
But if u see more than in the menu i think it is better.

also you can email it to kukouri for them to look at it. maybe they will like it and add it

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True, but I guess they don’t send a reply.
But ye i test.

yea. i send them 2 items for halloween and we will wait and see if they will add them

just go to menus → recently visited