I am quitting this game. (Megathread) (Forum Rant) (S***POST)

Hello friends,

I am quitting this game.

Join me.

~ kikopower

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Someone told bro to β€œget a life” and he did just that,
congratulations :clap:

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Whatever you do it for, good luck with it and all the best, goodbye

I wonder what these numbers could mean… :thinking:

Hello friends,

I hope you’re all doing okay.

This busted pile of junk is too slow. Someone told me to smack the laptop keyboard, so I listened… And ended up with a BSoD. I was almost at 1%. Now I have to do it all over again…

Note: Don’t take advice from tech support. :pensive:

I am quitting this game.

Join me.

~ kikopower

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Huh? How did the loading bar get bigger?!? :thinking: :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :confused:

Hello friends,

I finally got past 1% loading in the quit process! :astonished: :ok_hand: :+1:

I am quitting this game.

Join me.

9 22 20 26 9 23 8,
~ kikopower