I have my old outlook and cant get it

hi! my pixel worlds account has my old outlook email and i need to change it to gmail so could i just change it please. and i cant use the outlook so could somebody help!

Send an email to support if you have the reciepts to something you bought in pixel worlds if you have one (with real money). If not… you probably don’t have a chance.

I feel like with screenshots showing the account page and you saying the current email and saying that you want to change it to another email MAY work.

So in SHORT (get it):

Email support@kukouri.com with screenshots of the account page saying your current outlook email that’s on your account and say the one you want it to be changed to.
They may suspect that the account is not yours since you cannot access the outlook and might not change it, but it’s worth a shot.

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I haven’t heard of anyone who’s ever gotten their account back with just a picture. Could be definitely wrong though.

It’s Pixel Worlds, anything can happen.

I’m waiting for an actual update to happen.

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