I (Kinda) made an EPWR, a white one

Kinda, because I just bought the stone, I can’t imagine participating in all 12 months of sb just for an item
You can see this was a low effort edit, the thumbnail isn’t even nice lol

I am already addicted to it (I am going to contribute in best set :blush: )

Oh no… Please don’t…


Man im feeling teased

i want one

How exactly did you get 374400 BC? Did you just grind 24/7 in the mines? Or did you somehow get dark pixies from a giveaway?

epwr looks too bulky for me to like it imo but the jp is a bonus

he won jake’s giveaway in the stream

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Yeah, so a giveaway it is then. I couldn’t care less about these giveaways because you have such a minuscular chance of winning that it is like winning the lottery. Also Jake was leaving anyway, so what’s the point?

i still enjoy my 500k bytes from the giveaway :wheelchair::wheelchair::wheelchair:

I mean you can still try a bit to win these giveaways, it’s so easy to enter them
Anyways I wasn’t expecting to win this actually, I was just in that stream to know what happens to Jake and other stuff since apparently my luck is bad

somewhere, there’s a Vanpixels that you’ve made very jealous


and what’s the point of you complaining about it now? are you winning some prizes for complaining about random stuff or something?

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Congrats for this man!