Ignore user feature doesn't work?

I’ve ignored an user on these forums because I don’t want to be reminded of them anymore. The “Ignore user” feature says that all of the user’s topics and replies will be hidden.
I’ve set the ignore duration to “forever”, yet what do I see when I return to the front page? That’s right, it’s a topic by the ignored user. When I click on it, it only changes the text to “Ignored content” and does virtually nothing.

Is this a BUG or is the ignore feature not meant to actually hide topics from the front page?

I mean you can just scroll up/down to ignore the forumer. But yes this is a bug.

Hopefully some mod can help

[BUMP] Hello, I still keep seeing that user’s topics and it keeps getting progressively more and more annoying for me, because:

  • I don’t care about that user’s topics
  • That user has refused to give me my fairly won prize just because they didn’t like me enough
  • They keep ignoring me when I mention that

I would really be grateful for it to be fixed ASAP…

What is your prize exactly? If you keep talking about the prize/items I can just give it to you (If it’s not too valuable or smthing)

Also I now know who you’re blocking :l

i wonder have any admins seen that topic :thinking:


Would be nice if we could get a perma-ignore feature in the game too. Every time you change worlds, you have to re-mute people. Would like to have an extension to your friends/clan member menu called “Muted Players”

It is a twitch sub to Jake…

oof can’t donate tht

BbbbBUMP! I want it already fixed. No, I don’t want to see their content and never will.

I’m tired of this already.

Mute exists