Im helping people constact me for help

Ask me for help i will help you

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my stomach is hurting please help me


I’m a single father of four (4) children: two (2) daughters, one (1) son and one (1) non-binary human being.
My family has been in trouble for a long time now, but recently it got way worse… We have no food in the fridge, no bread, no water because I’m unable to pay the bills… I tried getting a job but all of the bosses that i worked for are being very rude to me because of my stink.
What should I do, mister Loll12345678910?


I would like to become the very best and catch all pokemons and don’t have enough pokeballs, what should i do?

The man doesn’t even want to reply. I’m losing it…



where is my help

i need it

I need a better pc please

Please help me to get 100 million bytecoins. :grinning:

Hi i wanted to ask for help i am playing my game i canceled the order and leave the game when i leave i got 1.4m bc but after maybe 5 minuts i start playing and i got 600k bc what do i ddo i lost 800k bc pls help me with this and sory for my english i dont know so much words and i am bad in him pls help

Your best bet is to contact with as much detail as possible (timezone, time, what happened, your ign what you lost the world etc.)

Okay thank u

śr., 24 kwi 2024, 00:32 użytkownik SHORT via Pixel Worlds Forum <> napisał:

Hello i got a question what i have to do when the suport dont answer

just wait they’ll answer in a couple years or so

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Just wait please :DDDDDDDDDDD