Is everyone doing good?

Fair enough, guess you’re right.

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yep, but I can’t delete, sorry about that

fixed it Mr. Oliver!

The Codes he mentions are just binary, from the
Riftworld, it already has been solved mostly translating to “Time will tell” just another dead end nothing much interesting.

Sad that people prefer to keep meaningless information as a secret, not helping much here…

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there are also hex codes, not just binary

I haven’t seen any hex code in secret world, there are no letters from a to f (0-16), there are some signs with normal English text but nothing like “hex code”.

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yep, that’s what I am talking about :3

go to riftbinary man ;D

now I finally found something useful to write

That’s binary. Not hex code. And translating binary to hex code is not related to secret world.

maybe it’s just translated as you said sir, maybe there are hex codes meaning different things, well, let’s see

Wdym let’s see, it’s already done. It’s in binary and it (binary) translates to “Time will tell” as a result. And I don’t think you can translate the binary in hex code as the same way.

oh then, what are the other codes in riftbinary? Are they also means time will tell?

The whole binary translates to the “Time will tell”, I don’t get what you mean by other codes.

you can go to riftbinary and see sir, in game ofcourse

I was there, there is the binary and a sign saying “This was translated in hexadecimal binary. (The right binary)”.