Is the kukouri support team working?

İ lost my account mail and its password but i have the first mail and receipt of gem purchases. İ massaged to pw support but they never answered. Do you know how can i contact them?

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All you can do for now is wait, cuz it’ll take them some time to respond. But they probably will eventually.

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No it isn’t LOL

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Well why is thats? There is buying number associated with my account. …

In mine too, but the main developers of the game have stepped down and support is highly missing

Guys it’s Easter, i doubt very much if this will be looked at until well into next week …

Finland respects it’s time off. Also there is another national holiday here the following week…

If I was you i would make the subject line of the mail clear and succinct.

Perhaps “need my acct recovered evidence of purchase attached”

This is a auto response! It means they received your email and will look into it.
If you and @Missingyouu both included a IAP reciept on your emails, that’s for sure support will reach you back :grin:

Also, i wouldn’t recommend you sharing your email(s) there.

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support has been ignoring me for 2 years now on multiple of my emails
they think not answering on questions of community memebers is okay

It’s not necessarilii “ignoring” , keep in mind they get hundreds or even thousands of messages per day and or week.

on the higher side of things as of latelii, however…

You’re free to reharsh your gmail, meaning, send better or more detailed information, as well as purchase historii [proof of purchase / receipt] and the date, and you should add that you requested this on x of x 202x so they could verify when needed.

and lastlii, not because you send a gmail means they’ll reply, sometimes they solve it and don’t reply

As of right now, let’s stick to the hundreds lol.