Its Rollback or normal maintance?

I been a gamer since 1985 what about you

Dad is that you?
Bbut where’s the milk

This is getting off-topic. Keep this discussion related to the maintenance please.

:open_mouth: thats pretty cool. I started the game after 400 days and have no idea if its good or not but it looks pretty great to me :smiley:

Bruh whats the problem :confused:

Better than having a drinking problem or a gambling problem my entertainment is playing games and always will be

Why are there no devs giving us updates about the maintenance problem?

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what a giga chad you are!

  1. but i like 20th century games. My favourite is half life

Fav pc game PIXEL WORLDS
Fav Console game GTA5
First ever played games Pac-man demon attack space invaders and pong

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no idea just hoping everything is well for devs :frowning:

The cool thing abt me is i met all the creators in game xD

Dude, reallly, your mom??? Likes to play, a game??


Btw is heat_waves a rare world name ¯_(ツ)_/¯

My father plays pw to…

wait u a mod?
i didn’t knew that

I dont think so no its not

i asked that on reddit and some guy said if it has underscore its nothing near to be rare.
but still pretty cool name!

Most of what people consider rare names are triple letters 2 letters words that are short and that are not in plural form or names on stuff actually in the game BTW i am selling 141 3 letter worlds no numbers 15k each

Who is mod??? Me or other?

yea :smiley: i hope she played some games other than brawl stars but still its pretty cool.
I once made her play club penguin back then it was shut down