JK flip flop

I was wrong on stream, you can make a JK flip flop, but not the regular way it’s done.


A regular JK flip flop is done without a toggle like that, the regular one uses a latch (which acts a bit different from a toggle), and 2 3-input NAND gates.

Anyway, it’s very impractical, since it takes 2,200 gems to make one, and I would need 64 to make a 4-bit computer. Which means it would cost 14k bytes to make 64 of these, not to mention reaching the wiring limit, since 64 of these would make at least 832 connections.

Could we get one of these in game, as a separate thing? It has 3 inputs tho.

Maybe add the other flip flops/latches too?

This might work, too? Not sure what happens if it’s connected to complex systems like other latches.

Complete latches as separate items would not be a bad idea: They would simplify certain wiring systems a lot and would bypass some problems and shortcomings.


This is a latch not a flip flop.

Flip flops are made out of latches, and they have a clock as an input too.

these are mumbo jumbo of pixel worlds

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Do you understand a word their saying?

Cuz i don’t

I am pretty sure Dev knows he made a latch, otherwise he wouldn’t have said:

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Well, then this

is incorrect, since it’s a different thing from what I was talking about.

Yeah, my bad. It’s just an old test based on the systems on this site and you can immediately see the inputs are different.

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I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one who completely doesn’t understand what they are talking about, I have 0 IQ towards wiring system…