Mining Wheel Conquest Attempt

This is no longer a game.


Good luck!
By using 1k coins personally, i didn’t got the wyvern soo…

Maybe no wyvern, but I’ll still calculate everything I win and see if it’s at least a profit. Mining wheel could be a good use of gems in large amounts :man_shrugging:

But probably not lol.

Well… good luck anyways, use this amount of coins will take you like 3-4hrs btw… just saying…

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I thought about doing the same but even 200 of those coins disappointed me.


Goodluck! (20charssssss)

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how many gems IS that many oml

1 million gems.

You should’ve recorded it for yt

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Idk how to make content and nobody will help me lool

I can help you if you want so.

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That’d be awesome! (a few more chars)


Just finished. This was my haul.


18 health pots - 1,800
212 red scroll - 2,000
Lures - roughly 1,500
1 Dark stone - 1,000
50 bnugget - 50
65 snuggets - 390
40 gnuggets - 480
20 pnuggets - 360
88 bkeys - 14,960
29 skeys - 19,720
3 gkeys - 4,200
1 repair kit - 200
fertilizers - 1,800
ingredients - roughly 300

98,000 gems - 9,800
5,250 bytes - 5,250
2 Days VIP

Total earnings: 63,810 bytes

Moral of the story? Spend your gems on something else. Basically just lost 35,000 bytes and 5 hours of my time.


Dang! You went all-out and still didn’t get the Wyvern. Well…better luck next time. :sweat_smile:


You changing my title honestly just adds insult to injury.

But thanks, I guess. :face_exhaling:

Haha, I just like to make titles have better grammar. :sweat_smile:

I would like to buy all those fertilizers, message me on Discord or something lol

Genuinely still confused as to why these items exist in the wheel. It’s not like it will be useful for miners or anything :man_shrugging:

Quick fishing trip at the right side

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