Moderation is great!

I am grateful that there is finally an active moderator AKA @Starfire1174 and she’s doing her job regardless of being busy in real life. She’s a fully grown woman with a job and volunteers to moderate a kids game.


I just wanna say it’s not funny man, it’s obvious you’re being sarcastic, casting hate comments to starfire what is wrong with y’all, she banned you because you’ve broken the rules, I hope you get banned too man you’re just making posts with no meaning or discussion needed I don’t know if that’s against the rules but at the same time you’re just mocking the moderators of pixel worlds

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  1. Pin wasn’t banned
  2. I thought that alt accounts aren’t allowed on forums, this account joined 5 minutes ago.
  3. Wishing others to get banned for not breaking any rules, not cool man :sweat:
  1. It’s clear you’re mocking an moderator, it’s not that it’s a moderator it’s just not cool to mock people
  2. You’ve setup hate servers, Instagram accounts for that specific moderator to harass them which shows that you’ve been trying to mock them all this time, it’s just not by purpose it seems like it’s sarcastic, made in a mocking way
  3. This isn’t an alt account I’m new to the pixel worlds forums, this was the 2nd or 3rd post I read through
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Where did I setup any “hate servers and instagram accounts” to be exact? I think it’s naming-shaming me at this point, don’t you think :sweat:
I only believe in respectful, mature and proof-backed discussions about issues, that’s why I’m open to public and private conversations. You’re free to PM me anytime!

And where am I mocking anyone?

  1. People like you, others have made hate servers about Stafire1174, hate accounts and more all towards Starfire1174
  2. I’m not name shaming I’m stating the facts
  3. I don’t know how I private message here, sorry
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  1. About you? I’d like you to point me to any “hate” server that “we” created, also who am I speaking with? (I recorded you changing the message from “me” to how this is now)
  2. That’s basically naming and shaming in light of how “naming and shaming” is enforced and beyond it.
  3. You can click on my icon and PM me, or PM me on Discord, I’m Samaritain#3875
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You recorded? What are you on about? It was a typo, it was simply a mistake I meant to say starfire1174 not me or whatever her name was

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Ah alright, I guess it happens to everyone.
I’ll repeat:

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I’m confused did I do something wrong, can you please delete it since it’s just filling up chat

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No you didn’t, it’s allritey. You can always PM me, I should reply when I can and we can resolve any misunderstandings

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Then can you delete that message you sent of repeating what I edited as it’s blocking chat

It’ll still be there because if I delete it, it’ll show as “message deleted”. I’ll keep it there but it shouldn’t be doing anything bad.

I’ll also PM you, you can check your PMs by clicking on your profile pic in the top right corner

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(post deleted by author)

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Well, I’m not starfire1174, sorry.

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Come on Starfire, no need to be shy :smiley:

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Sorry, do I know you, are you talking to me or who?

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I mean okay you say you are not an alt
Im not here to hate on you or anything but if you are not an alt what is your in game name?
Like nobody uses the forums without playing the game

or what was your in game name if you left the game

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Surely you must remember a guy you talked with for a couple of years before becoming who you are right now :blush:


Oh I forgot what it was, sorry, it was subject_ with all these numbers so I can’t remember it, sorry.

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