Moderator Applications - Open Now

If you were accepted, then they most likely will reach out to you via discord, but that’s only if you are accepted.

They will reach to you directly, give them your address and time you usually sleep/leave

when is the next mod dial

Pretty sure the application is still open, so they might be accepting a few new mods from there.
It might be quite a long time since we get another one, if ever.

I alr submitted for mod application

Im still waiting for my mod. WHERE IS IT. I will fit perfectly

is this still valid?

What is still valid? The modform doesn’t expire bruh

Thank you sir i couldnt have known

Wdym CONTACT da owner of de website?

Bro’s gonna call Google :skull:

Yea it’s very long :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I applied for mod application yesterday. Still no response.

  1. it takes way longer to get a response
  2. this is the old application