Mount rule bot is Can it return to the inventory when broken?

İ need info for that

Just buy a recall magnet for 1000 gems

I don’t think so, none of the other bots return once broke. If it doesn’t especify in the info, then it’s not.
In that case, you’ll have to use a Recall Magnet.

Kinda crazy that 125k gems costing block doesn’t return to your inventory. It shouldn’t be like that.

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Yes it should return, maybe its return but not have any info. I dont risk and i will use recall magnet

It doesn’t return to inventory.

Okey thanks for your info good night.

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Gravity Modifier and PWE doesn’t return either.
Honestly i think it’s good, because you have to be careful, where you place it,… just like Orbs/Globes/Darkness.

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Easy Way to check if an Item will return to your inventory when broken:
Select a Recall Magnet, all the Blocks that will not return to your inventory will have the Magnet Symbol on top of them.

Or just break it :+1:

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No don’t do that use recall