My water rocket space program

I pressurize it using a bicycle pump.

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Wow, the rocket is so tall… How long can it go up in meters?

Also, are you dreaming to become a rocket scientist?

The flight computer is now ready.
Weight: 25g / ~1oz


Very cool

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Thanks. :smiley:

why is the gap between your fingers large between the index-middle ring-pinky but small between middle-ring.

why do you have 5 fingers

Yeah that seems like such an unnatural position for fingers.

because I was holding it weirdly, and the camera angle distorts it further.

My hand is completely normal.

raspberry pi for allerion controller? ??

ESP 8266, for reliable parachute release and data.

This was a test of a water bottle rocket flight computer, which contains a barometer, 3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer and thermometer. Unfortunately the rocket did not fly very high, due to it weighing a lot. The parachute did not deploy either, because I built the fairing in the radial deployment system for a different kind of 1,5L bottle, flight computer and servo worked though. All data was retrieved.

The rocket flew only flew 50 meters.

I am building a 10.4 L rocket, on which the flight computer and radial parachute deployment system is going to be installed on.

I’ve also opened an Instagram page, which you can find here:

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Oof what a bummer.

The test was a success, because all the data was collected, and the system worked. The point of failure had nothing to do with the system, and is easily fixed in under a minute.

The test rocket was built out of crappy old spliced bottles, which are still fine. The rocket was also built in five minutes.