Neoslayer's Fishing Gear Guide!

For a starter/tournament, you definitely want to go for the amulet, since every bait counts. But once you’ve reached endgame, it’s just best to go for worm necklace, since 1 bait won’t make much of a big difference.

Do we actually know if the lucky hat is useless though? I’ve personally never actually used it but nobody seems to actually know what it does or if it even does anything

I very much appreciate this. Has anyone made a similar post including bait/fish that should be targeted with these different gears? If not, do you think you’ll create one in the future?

images (2)

Also, is it just me, or does the lure vest look like a Brown Military Vest? They look awfully similar.


Why not ask @jake for the answer of lucky hat actually useful or useless. Doesn’t anyone think of asking him? @jake please tell us if lucky hat is good for fishing or no. No one seems to be sure if lucky hat is useful for fishing

Bruh don’t ping jake

This is the first time I tagged him. Not spamming. Bruh

He’s not going to answer really he’s not active here.
Tagging jake is just not something you do.

Even if he’s not active here, I don’t see why we aren’t suppose to tag him. The tag is created for a reason. And also, if it’s not spam. Tagging is alright bruhh. Stop acting like I’m gonna spam him

Ugh I’m not even gonna argue with you but I guarantee ask most ppl and they will say just don’t tag jake.

Nobody even mentioned spam. The point is you are pinging a busy developer who has more important things to do than answering a question about a fishing gear that has a description that was left vague on purpose.

Hi this is an awesome guide! I definitely need this since I just started fishing, but if you have time, can you tell me the names of the items? I’m not familiar with it, or any worlds that tells the names of the gears? Thanks

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The item names are at BUYGEAR1 on the mannequins

@EnchantedBozz I told you :smile:

i dont think so because the armour is connected in the middle.
so more like this:

a brown fishing vest.


Very well done dude!


This is literally helpful, thanks for this!
(Although I have insufficient bytecoins, atlest I know what kind of gears I can buy of…)


Bumped, I’m still getting asked about it including people from the forums so chances are barely anyone has seen this


Could you also make a Lure Guide in the future? Something that covers which lures are best for which purpose, e.g. best when afk-fishing (slower strike but more expensive fish), actively fishing (basically opposite of afk-fishing) or best profitability per hour.


Hello Gargoyle, Are you still wondering the answer to this question?

Maybe I can help to answer your question? Although, It might be inaccurate because fishing profits are affected by luck as well.

I’m not as experienced as Neoslayer, Is that alright?

Thank You. :heart:

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