Nether is not what you think it is

Well, we can start from the fact that “Genesis” means: “Origin” or “The beginning of something”.

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Overall a good theory however there are some holes in this.

The whole theory of there being a God at all is just that, a theory, we don’t know for certain. And whether the Bible was involved in this, I guess that’s a possibility and a good observation.

And a quick correction, the Commander in the cutscene is not Commander_K. The commander referred to in the cutscene is another commander.

And I think the whole pixelians being immortal and then becoming a mortal thing and simulation theory has its ups and downs. My conclusion would be that they were immortal but since they had to flee their homeland and abandon their tree of life, they became mortal. But this was before the pixelian era. The IRL machinery created pixelians, a new solution to immortality by conjuring the souls of the mortals into a more artificial body.

But once again, overall a good theory nonetheless.

P.S. Are you in the official Lore server? Because if not, I could invite you. @Jay


Interesting theory, was fun to read aswell.

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I just wanna ask, can i make video about this :DDD

Yeah, I’m that good at making theories and it’s actually my second time creating one so… :sweat_smile:

Also, thanks for correcting me about the commander in the cutscene, I changed it to: an unknown commander instead.

And yes, I’m already at the lore discord server, I just joined yesterday. :blush:

Your conclusion is better than mine lol

Sure! If you’re going to use my theory, just make sure to credit me in the vid.

Was fun to read, good job!


Im the commander. Lore solved


Can you give me an invite link too?

Oof, i just started making short videos and didnt notice you replied xd

So im not making video :confused: