New Blocks/Props to Make PVP More Interesting

New Blocks/Props to Make PVP More Interesting
Description :

  1. Healing Statue
  • Allows healing in 10 x 10 Area even on a battle lock

  1. Slowness Tower
  • Slows enemy by 30% in a 30 x 30 Area, only works on the opposing clan faction (Wrench it to edit)

  1. Protection Turret
  • Detects the opposing clan faction and shoots artillery to them (Range is 10 x 10, cannot shoot through blocks)

  1. Deadly Mines
  • An invinsible prop (Not to the owner), when an opposing clan faction steps within the 7 block radius of it, it warns by giving an exclamation sign and then it explodes, removing 75% health.

Originally Posted in Discord