OOEN for World of the Week!

This world has quite a long history, but here’s a quick recap. I made this world about a year as a quick main world, a copy of “Pixelmines” to be exact. Yeah, I know it was kind of embarassing. So that’s why I knew I had to do something about it. I renovated the world in my own style while constanlty looking in the PWE for new props.

This turned out pretty great so I also made OOEN into a clan world. And yes, I added a clan lock to my main world, in the same way as in my old main world EOON, which I got the name “OOEN” from.
The name goes deeper than that, though. Some former worlds I have been a part of are named similarly, NOOE for example.

My dream has been for a long time, to make a “perfect” world and maybe even get a World of the Week. When making this world, my idea was not originally to make a World of the Week week, but at some point I realised that it actually had some potential. If i could succeed it would be the second World of the Week clan.

The reason why I’ve spent so much time and money on this, and why this is so important to me is, that my former main world EOON was my try at getting featured at WOTW. That idea really flopped but now I have a decent shot at getting the legendary trophy again!

Anyways, here’s some interesting facts about this world:

  1. Other than being my main world, this world is a level 4 clan world. Althought not as active as it used to be.

  2. OOEN also functions as a Cart Hunt world! Noticed how every block is covered by props? This is why.

  3. Lastly, This world has all fishing spots, decorated with all Record Trophies (even crab), making an interesting addition in a main world…

That’s about it! If you have any questions you can reply to this message with them or go to OOEN if I happen to be there.

I’m still looking some dragon fossil parts, so if you have those, come to OOEN, thanks!


Update: I don’t need the fossil parts anymore, I already got them while the post was pending.

Have a nice day!

Thanks for the tip. I’ve also submitted it to the discord now.

Do you even know what Wotw was made for? Also do you think that any player would be interested in visiting your clan world?

I don’t have much context about why the competition was made, in the game or in the forums other, than that the devs choose a world to feature every week. I’m deeply sorry, if I offended the community in some way. Besides being a clan world, Ooen is a place to fish and host events like Cart Hunt. Also, there has been another clan world featured here if I’m not mistaken.

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