Paintball update SUGGESTION

i think this already been suggest before or no

paintball update new games
paintball vendor:

  • classic paintball gun (10 000 gems)
  • supreme paintball gun (10 robotech gear 1 emerald ticket 50 000 gems)
  • tech paintball gun (200 robotech gear 5 emerald ticket 25 000 gems)
  • sniper paintball gun (1 gold robotech gear 20 emerald ticket 50 000 gems)
  • hypertech paintball gun (100 gold robotech gear 50 emerald ticket 100 000 gems)
  • paintball riffle (1 gold robotech gear 10 emerald ticket 1 energy tank)
  • crystal paintball gun (3 energy tank 20 gold robotech gear 500 000 gems)
  • flaming paintball gun (2 energy tank 10 gold robotech gear 100 000 gems)
  • Giga paintball gun (5 energy tank 10 gold robotech 1 robotech treasure chest 500 000 gems)

the vendor also sell gears

  • iron jetpack [2 second fly] (1 energy tank 2 emerald ticket 250 000 gems)
  • purple flaming helmet [armor 10 more & dmg to enemy] (1 energy tank 100 robotech gear 50 000 gems)
  • tech jump pack (10 energy tank 50 gold robotech gear 15 000 gems)
  • necklace of power [more dmg to enemy] (2 energy tank 50 gold robotech gear 10 000 gems)
  • flamer helmet [15 armor] (3 energy tank 1 gold robotech gear 500 000 gems)
  • flamer armor [10 armor more dmg to enemy] (2 energy tank 5 gold robotech gear 10 000 gems)
  • flamer gloves [more dmg to enemy] (50 gold robotech gear 1 energy tank 50 000 gems)
  • flamer shoes [more dmg to enemy] (1 energy tank 100 gold robotech gear 10 000 gems)

there is 2 team red and blue
each team have shooting turret if the red shoots the blue turret the blue lose and the red get emerald ticket after winning if the blue one win the blue will get 1 emerald ticket
the turret shoots big projectiles and deal so much dmg
robots in every team (the robot spawning in every team and deal dmg to the other team:
team robot

  • beam robot (shoots beam with 25% dmg)
  • boom robot (shoots projectiles and fly anywhere)
  • rush robot (robot shooting fast paintball projectiles and fly anywhere)

if you team blue you can defeat the red robots but if you team red you can defeat the blue robots

robot drops:

  • robotech gear (easy chance)
  • gold robotech gear (easy chance)
  • energy tank (rare chance)
  • electric paintball gun (1% chance)
  • robotech paintball gun (0.01% chance)
    all of them tradeable

there will be parkour and you only have 10 lives until you die
parkours use for shooting other team or get to the other side to shoot the turret to win

every team 10 players
you can enter the paintball world at the paintball NPC for 500 gems to 5000 gems
1 day only 10 times


  • kill 50 robots (prize 1500 gems)

  • kill 100 robots (prize 5000 gems)

  • kill 1000 robots (prize 10000 gems)

  • kill 10000 robots (prize 50000 gems)

  • finish paintball world 5 times (1000 gems)

  • finish paintball world 10 times (5000 gems)

  • finish paintball world 100 times( 20000 gems)

  • defeat 50 players in paintball world (10000 gems)

  • defeat 100 players in paintball world (20000 gems)

  • defeat 1000 players in paintball world (50000 gems)
    achivement prize:

  • golden paintball gun


thats all?

classic paintball gun
soon i wilol add more


hope @1NB4 see this ._.

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A welcoming suggestion. I think that having several game modes would be even better instead of having only 1 as you suggested. Perhaps a capture the flag, deathmatch, escorting the payload, king of the hill, or turf war (think of Splatoon) game mode would also work here. I don’t think robot mobs would really fit in those game modes that I mentioned however, but they could instead give out significant portion of rewards through the end result, i.e., the winning team gets more rewards (obvs).


:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
ok lol i bad at suggest something

She already said it, mobs as enemy is okay, but player to player might be more challenging!

Good suggestion!

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Interesting suggestion. I’d like to see more suggestions of possible new fun minigames. :smile:

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Basically less-violent COD. I love this <3 keep going, maybe some art?

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i want to add the classic paintball gun art rn