Pixel art competition

**Hello Everyone I am hosting an art competition there will be 3 winners first place gets bytes second and third place gets a random pro item whoever draws the best pixel art or drawing of my character will win post them below or message me your art your piece will be judged by the following factors
Detail , Colors , and creativity

why is this in the lore tab

I don’t know to be honest

Can I submit it looking like manga? I have no colors

i tried it 3 times while drawing you but wolf,
but looks bad,
can you post your character?

His character is his profile picture

yes but its pretty small


i need bigger than this xd
@Wolfboy2021 can you make bigger picture?

Yes if you wish to do so

Yeah I can do that for you


My in- game name is [ZGO] if I win :slight_smile:


Question, Is it limited to pixel art or can we also use traditional art? and also when will this competition end?..

He said it can be a drawing too so any style and any way

Dude this is epic :0

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Once we get a good bit of entrees

Here is my entry. Yeah couldn’t decide between the 2 so posted both :joy:
ign: Tumppipro

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Very nice well done :smiley:

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