Pixelians , who was your first friend in game?

I remember back in the good ol’ days , 2017 , St. Patrick Event , there was this guy called emanuelz , probably was younger than me , no idea.
We were best friends ingame until school started , 2017.
I remember saying to him goodbye and that I will not be online daily.
Last time I saw him was around 2017 September when school started.
I logged , and never saw him on again , in 2018 , after I changed accounts and all of that , I remember that I checked my first account , and I saw his pixelian with a sad face , till to this day , he is still set on a sad face , and I just wonder what happen to him cause I only trusted him at that time , and we were spending time together , going to lock wars , teaming up , it’s just nostalgic.


The only friend i have in the first days playing is my brother, and then I meet Norman then he helped me a lot


I don’t remember my first friend in Pixel Worlds, but my friend from Growtopia, PlayIt was one of my first friends. He doesn’t play the game anymore which is unfortunate, and I don’t know if he still plays Growtopia, because I quit that game. My guess is that he doesn’t because I remember him being inactive on Growtopia before I quit too.


Sadly, I don’t remember their name.
But back in the day (I mean beta days), they’d help me clear worlds to sell and we’d split the pay.

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I feel like when most of us were new, we just tried getting the achievement so we didn’t even know who they were… That would be me


Not really sure if first but i remember Pietopia as one of my earlier friends and helped me in sm stuff and i participated in some of his vids. He also joined the old forums.

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Mousy333123, my in real life friend and knew him since we were kids.

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Ven0m i believe, a player who doesn’t play anymore… maybe he will try out the game in 2021.

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His nickname is Gabin Cantik. He is someone who helps me building world & someone who rejected my love :slight_smile:

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uhm… IRL or in-game

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In game… …

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Okay just got curious…


Can hardly remember, but if I look back to when I really felt like I had a good friend, I’d say Bluewave.


TRUST was my first ever friend, back in 2016, he doesn’t play anymore which is unfortunate.

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Koro-sen and Kittea. They both asked me to play the game with them.

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Invalid was my first friend. (Me):grin:


I ain’t got a scooby doo.

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first friend was dedu1 he think he was dabest in the game he keep bully me when i warp him ;(
just saw he was offline for almost 4 months idk why same almost like your story using sad face too for 4 months (still off)whyyyyy idk i check him from morning to night still off almost everyday

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My first friends were DAYDRIAN, BlueFangs, and Neoslayer.


I think my first friend was @Ghustie

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