Please help me win best set

if you see this drippy boi please vote :slight_smile: now lets prove that you dont need epwr/ghost ring/many alts to win best set

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I am about to submit my EPWR set :smiley:


please dont or ill commit sad

There probably are several soil suits, so yeah, maybe you vote for someone else if you just look for soil suits

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soil suits must arise

Wouldn’t that just prove that the theory is right tho, since you are asking people to vote for you :thinking:

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Well you are trying to prove that you don’t need epwr/other fancy items or alts,

but the way the best set is supposed to work is people vote for sets that actually look good to them (and fit the theme), but here you are just asking people to vote for your set.

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Yes i agree but only way you can win is if you are rich or look somewhat expensive :money_mouth_face:

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precisely why i am asking for votes: my drippy boi soil is phenomenal quality, it took hours for me to craft the right concoction to allow a masterpiece to be beheld in front of my human eyes.


Good to dream.

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