Quick coaster, which I designed in five minutes

Quick coaster, which I designed in five minutes.

(This mug was “lent” from the defense forces by my brother)



Seems you Are using forums more than other social media Channels xD


Correct, my instagram is pretty much dead.

I Wonder u r not “Regular” here yet coz most of the players get this on their 50th in these forums but i didnt:p

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What’s your instagram? I’ll give you a follow


I thought this was going to be a rollercoaster lmao

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@Epnova_ I used to have 260 followers, but lost 50 due to me “quitting” Growtopia one year ago.

I could build one of those too, but it would take a while. This coaster took a total of 3 hours to print.

Oo yes another Ephus’ IRL Photos.
I never heard of a coaster before, not very common at my country.

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There are other requirements aside from days visited to become regular which you can check out through Discobot.

this also isn’t common in my country but I know of it. Still looking at the mug…

Kind of looks like an Alexa not gonna lie.

Alexa, play Despacito.