Rate my set!

What do you think? Post a picture of your set too and I’ll rate some of them!


3/5 :ok_hand:

Maybe you can try this:

My set

Rate my beginner set :upside_down_face:

Nice set, the mask fits will with the helmet!

1 Like

it’s unique, original and the colors fit well. I’d suggest the ocean ring instead though, and a cyan toolbelt

9/10 its pretty original idea, i like it!

Now i know i saw you once in pixelstation;)

not very original. ive seen similar things

original things can have similarities


Everything with extraordinary effects looks overrated to me, smh

oooooooh this is nice! Loving the blue color scheme :blush:

Try unequipping all items . Ill rate 99/10 if you do that. But this set ill rate 4/5 since u have no wing if u did use any back item 3/5

Overall looks good and original. (9/10)