
There’s been a rollback to my world. All items I took from safes remained in my inventory, but reappeared in the safes. Also, I bought blocks, I placed them, sold the rest in PWE. Blocks are unplaced, but the PWE sale went through. Details & world name available for support team via DM.

Contact them through their support,

He already did… But how do you think, will he get any answer from support? If you think he will not then you should not even suggest it. Ik you will say: “should try anyway”, but cmon all we know there are only one result.

Then what do you expect him to do?

Ig it’s better to try than to do nothing at all, right?

This is actually terrible advice in this case in my opinion
do NOT contact support because they will ban you under the accusation of duplicating items
instead just trash the duplicated items and delete any duplicated byte coins
This is just my opinion

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They have no need to think I did it on purpose though. And the items weren’t valuable. I also lost items in the process.

Delete this topic and sell free items instead of go to certain death of account.

I highly doubt reporting a bug gets anyone banned. I emailed them and trust them to fix it without causing me harm.

If what you said is true, they will ban even if you doesnt hack nor dup, but still ban you just because someone give that item to you, then i have to say wow, such a stupid support and useless support team ive ever seen. If thats the case, this game can call it as a dead game, even tho its already dying