Sell world: Edify

No design cus have no idea what to design. what do you guys offer can design if it will raise ALOT

thanks retnos for the edit. totally forgot that worlds ccategory existed. my bad

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What is it even lol

to improve someone’s mind as cambridge says

or instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.

I doubt your average 5 year old knows that word.

I am 15 and i have never heard that word before.

why does that matter though?

Because the more common a word is, the more valuable it would be.

Not knowing if the world even means something puts people off, its not a “rare name” just a rare word nobody uses.

I doubt you would see “Uhtceare” and say “omg its that word! Heres 100k!”

And whaddaya know edify is top 50 not used words!

my man why are you so scared to show your bookmarks lmao

Still desti boi is right, the more common a word, the higher its value, words like this aren’t worth anything because the afromentioned situation.