Sell World

Taking offer for BUYCARD world

Errr sorry to disappoint you but those types of worlds are only popular (and of value in the community) in Growtopia.

Don't open unless you are a nerd

I can start an hour long rant about the afromentioned “situation…?” Because Growtopia has VENDING MACHINES. You can have people come to your world and buy things, and then here’s PWE. Oh what for?! Your world is now useless. Only “popular” items or the items that community adores should be sold outside of PWE. Oh what were you Saying? oki but wut about item people call HTS. Huh, oh! HTS Items guess why, some have the same chance of acquisition, but a price difference from a kilo of gold to Iron. a good example? Oh hello there VIP/nonVIP daily bonus items! Lets take now’s VIP Daily bonus item and the one before it:
Light suit: started off at 80K~
Addio hat: started off at 40K~
cough cough Errr How?
People like light suit more than addio hat. It is we after all who give the items we or others posses their “value.” Similar to real life currencies
Nearly all of the currencies have different and fluctuating prices, do they fluctuate because they want to? No, do they use themselves? That doesn’t make sense Tellcode. Are you suffering a mental breakdown? No, but listen. They fluctuate because the value they’re of, the value we give to things. People buy things, people sell things. That gives them their “value.” Nobody would be that big of a fool to trade their 2.12€~ Currency for some 0.12€~ Of course. What does the U.S.A have alot of that India doesn’t?, Why aren’t both their average price values same? Here comes the capital lesson. Now look people need work to earn money, should be easily to atleast find work right? U.S.A is about 3 TIMES larger than India. Oh so its opposite of what they taught me know school? No, why?
Chapter 3: Area
Lets look at some figures of populations I found over the internet, shall we?
U.S.A. 340 Million~
India: 1.3 BILLION~
Want to have a rough figure?
A million: 1,000,000
A billion: 1,000,000,000
A billion is 1000 times larger than a million. Alot of people have the chance to work in India and make a competition of sorts, while in the U.S.A. one thirds of the population 4~ Times larger, means alot of area to work in. Back to the main point, that world is useless here unless you do some sort of dark witchcraft to convert it into money or sell it. I don’t think it’ll even sell for 3K. Vending machines don’t exist here and even if they did Pixel worlds has alot less players so it would be of less value. I hope that clears every question you have or will ever have except “am i real?”, “what is the meaning of life?” And most importantly

“Can donate bc? Me noob.” “No nab LOL”

OK, so maybe I’ve said some things you might consider offensive against countries. Or some straight up badwords but this is to overall help you and others. And as always, thanks for watching, uh I mean’t reading!

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