Should I do like a contest/competition?

The prize would probably around a million byte coins and would include like, 3 winners maybe.

And the format would be in some sort of YouTube video.


Actually, yes I will.


Well which kinda contest?

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How are you so rich.

People only have two kidneys.


Makes a thread asking a question
Answers his own question in the first reply
Refuses to elaborate further

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do you need me to help you out, little guy?

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I’m thinking of like a summer content competition thing. Best videos get like alot of byte coins and yeah, participants get like 5K bytecoins for effort. But I’ll make a video and a forums post on this soon enough.

Bold of you to assume I was using my own kidneys.

Sorry, don’t know what you are talking about.

Oooh, i wanna compete!

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May I ask how you enter the giveaway? It better not be one of those like and subscribe with you also having to comment down below your username and world-type giveaways.

No, don’t worry! It’s a contest where you will use your creative mindset to make something with a Summer theme in a YouTube video format. It can be anything you want, maybe a music video or a movie, etc. Anything you want! I’ll make a forums post and a video explaining the steps!

First prize for the winners will probably be like 1 million byte coins, second prize would probably be 500k, third prize 100k and the runner ups between 4th and 5th place would get 50k byte coins and 25k byte coins, 6th place would probably get 10k byte coins. Then the entries I see would probably get some byte coins for effort and enthusiasm!

I might make my own hashtag so I can find all the videos easier.

It’s definitely not this though, haha :sweat_smile:

Because I want everyone to have a fair chance.


ouh alright then I’m out


I wonder why you are giving that much bytes away… sounds a bit suspect tbh

Is there any problem with it? 1 million byte coins isn’t that much based on the game’s current economy and I like giving byte coins away because it makes people happy and I find it positive.

How so? I don’t think anybody else find its suspicious and I already have people who are down but now I just need to promote it soon via a forums post/YouTube video containing more information.

I always feel bad when taking free stuff for some reason :confused:

Well don’t because the opposition offered you it, :slightly_smiling_face: and it probably makes them happy doing so.

cant film cant edit cant video cant

Don’t worry man, any attempt would do really and maybe try using easy to use editors on playstore/appstore. Everyone can win something, XD.