Should scamming be legal?

Using people is stupid, but people who being used is even more stupid

“Ok i dropped my toy, where is my prize now?”

– “Get scammed lololololol”

* scammer running away *

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Places cup over item

Bans the player from existence with a knife

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Thiefing can’t ever be legal.
You own your gear and you have worked for it > How would you feel if all of ur hard work to be gone in second ?

  • There is rules and if you break rules and eventually lose your gears > Do not start breaking Rules.

Well after reading through all the replies as for now, I think it’s pretty clear scamming should stay illegal. Although it might make scamming worse there is no real way to predict it and a lot of players will quit, as this game is aimed towards children who most likely will lose their stuff, thus less money for the developers.

Lol I don’t think they’ll scam irl, maybe with pokemon cards or whatever’s trendy today but they’ll definitely get scammed in game.

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I would bring this right now as Ukraina situation they are losing their Houses everything what they call home.
Russian soldiers are Thiefing all the time Ukraine’s citizens.

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IRL happenin what’s not related on those what u refer.
ps. Putin started nonprovokated attack to Ukraine.