Someone kicked me from the clan I am the leader of

I joined to game after nearly 1 year (not 1 year) and I saw i got kicked from my own clan and my clan world claimed by a player named su6 but in pixel station i take a look at my worlds category and i saw game says i still owned my clan world but in reality someone stole it please help me i dont know what to do

Well I asked a question a while ago about what happens to a clan when the leader abandons game etc

The replies included one that said if the leader is inactive for 60 days and the co-leader comes into the world they can take over the leadership … If no co-leader then the next in line etc…

Now I’m in the position where I could soon benefit from that if I wanted to. I think it’s 90 days not 60 , but I’m not 100% sure.

Btw the clan lock is good for 10 years! No one has found a decayed one simply because the game isn’t even 10 yrs old!

so is there any way to takeover my clan back? because i got kicked by a guy i never took him in clan

I dont see how anyone can join a clan unless they are invited .

On this you could answer a question, and it might also help you :thinking:

If someone owns a clan lock what if anything stops them removing the lock (breaking it back to their inventory) leaving the world and taking it with them? .

At which point could you not drop a standard WL. There can’t be other, lesser, locks on the world because the clan lock will only allow the lock owner to place them.

Of course if you drop a lesser lock on the spawn the clan owner or leader has rights so could open the doors.

Rights stop a lock trade/sale but I don’t recall them stopping you breaking one …

Can you let us know ? Personally I’d take it if I couldn’t have my rights back