Suggestion: Muggy Block

The times when jake live streamed was the most important times for pixel worlds because it was a way for the community to be one for 2 hours. The muggy familiar is an item that reminds us of that time, and reminds us of Jake. So this is the muggy block, it’s a block that can be stacked by one and returns to the inventory when broke. Imagine this as like a collectable, in the byte coin store.

in the memory of Jake


the times where he community managed him

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They perma banned him?

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Well I’ll say it but imo both Siskea and then Lohka lapsi killed this game . Not because they were bad people or anything like that more that they had no idea what they had or what to do with it

Giving them that much authority was a terrible decision.

Oh and where are they now??

That’s a rhetorical question btw …

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I didn’t know this .

Let’s consider for one moment a business, any business anywhere getting rid of the most influential person and biggest income producer that they have ever had. What a dumb ass decision !

His archive of videos get more out of date as each day goes by…

It’s things like this that just make me want to walk away from PW…


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Siskea left Kukouri to work for SocialFirst and Lokalapsi has been like a baby generator always on maternity leave