The rarest items

  1. what rare items exist?(like mechanical box and legendary soil)
  2. what are the chances?
  3. can i boost chances?
  4. is farming from 2 devices bannable?
  5. best way to get legendary soil?
  6. why legendary soil not dropping in price?

Check out this link! List of most expensive/rare items also for legendary soil just farm dirt or PWE

Chances for mechanical Box r I think 0.01 % from killing monsters and 0.1 from gemstones

Thx for link, but i do not own an pl, also, there is no chance of legendary soil drop

that list has been obsolete for years at this point, nothing of the items listed there are worth anything besides a good bunch like red pwr, dark sprite mask, soul cleaver, ak-47, green visor, green pwr, pink pwr, and butterfly

also, both of those are not rare at all and pretty much worthless

What? U sure that dirt is worthless?

yes, it is barely worth anything

@Antonis73 it is possible.Ask @RetNos (Ex-Lore Hunter)

I’ve seen this said before .

I completely disagree.

Ok if you have 10’s of millions maybe, but that legendary soil is not one to pass up.

Jake himself said it was one of the rarest blocks in the game

As for that list some of the items were limited issue and/or not released officially.

That soil block is ongoing of course
I would also like to know the drop rate of it… I’ve certainly broken a few blocks!.

The one I have I bought from a friend of a friend who said it just appeared whilst clearing a some extra space in his home world. I do not know if that is true …

Also rarity and value can be two different things …

I’d wager there are as many tormentor wings in the game as that soil block…

It’s just not everybody wants it, it’s not like you can wear it either.

There are some truly rare graffiti parts (especially if you include monoliths) , milk, etc but again rarity doesn’t necessarily mean value

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Also WHY does everybody like Dracula Cape.First of all I don’t think it’s that rare.Second IT DOES NOT EVEN LOOK COOL

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If you gave me one I’d most likely sell it for something I want.

Players wanted it cos it was so rare and expensive… Now it’s cheap many don’t care

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No people still do want it (well SOME people)