The sadness of pw

As this game used to be an amazing community with a mystical air of enchantment it withered by evil powers. And maybe it will come back to its former glory. . .
We all know that our doom awaits us and the clock is ticking. We are leaving together but still the game will end.
I will stand with what’s left of the community of pw until the very end and I hope you all will too.
I wrote this to inspire you to try to make the game better.
We still have hope!


Dude, well said.
Anyone not agreeing and reading this is in denial :joy: . Otherwise they would have left long ago !

Btw did you (or anyone else…) ever get any info re server expiry?

Nope but according to Jake it will probably be spring this year

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Yipeeeeee all my 1k+ days of work will be gone :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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I’m under the impression it’s longer now…

We can only hope