This guy lost his world

Is that pog item?

Cuz its among the very best

Literally braindead lol

meanwhile me who trolls every day

Trolling isn’t wrong and I don’t mind if I get trolled, what matter is that if you tried to troll other but accidentally trolled yourself just like what the creator of that troll world did, I would just laugh and say serve you right

Usually people don’t lose their stuff after getting trolled

He still can’t get his world back

Even though BOTH doesn’t teleport him anywhere, he is teleported to BOTH as soon as he enters his world.

kinda funny he thinks mods care about getting 2k bc.

Except he should write im sorry I won’t do this again.
Or he can send jake to his world on live and jake will probably destroy it :joy::sweat_smile:. Maybe the guy who did that on stream wanted his world back.

Make :clap: ignore :clap: auto-portals :clap: a :clap: public :clap: setting :clap:

ESPECIALLY if the user is the owner of his world

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Or just don’t do something stupid :hugs: