To get my items back

Check email kukouri I want my items back

That’s not how you get things done, you don’t just demand your items back…

Send a proper support email and explain WHY you’ve lost your items, and HOW you’ve lost your items, as well as explain what you were doing leading up to your items being lost, and you MAY get a response in regards to what to do with your items.

IF however you’ve been hacked and lost your items:

change your password immediatelii, and check if anii other medias have been hacked, if not, then your pixel worlds account password may have been:
(1) Easii to guess
(2) Bruteforced
(3) Given away
(4) Shared
(5) Logged via software you’ve downloaded
(6) Scammed via an “account trade” that you might’ve done [which are illegal btw]
(7) Misplaced by yourself

Regardless of what happened however,

you need to properlii and respectfullii explain what’s happened, and be sure to send your gmail to and be patient, you could later-on send a follow-up message and explain that you’ve sent a mail and have been waiting, but don’t spam their mail.

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