Um, excuse me, what the-

PW shouting down for a hour? A day? A week?

(Btw, how to got collection cards in steam)

I think it’s odd too, especially being today .

Maybe this account hack is being addressed…

I think a rollback is needed …

I would loose stuff I’ve done , but if it closes that loophole I’m all for it.

Devs hacked?
I’m hacked?
U hacked?
Im gonna loose stuff?
Xmas ruined u think

(does not take this seriously, in just a bozo that using only kitchen and computer)

I’m not hacked, that I’m aware of …

I do run multiple accounts with their own stuff. … I wanted to check one for that very reason.

As for hacking a Dev or someone else with clout, the hacker is so dumb, in many ways I hope they did cos that would at least make someone sort it out !.

It’s always said they can’t give items back, but that’s a choice PW are making cos they clearly could . If it wasn’t possible then the codeing really is a mess anyway!

Scammers caught red handed should have their inventories stripped and all locks opened . Monies and/or items could be returned as well

Maybe I’m going off topic a bit but I feel quite strongly that even though a ban is placed the player(s) scammed are made to suffer for no reason - no fairness from PW - it’s like the scammer gets the ‘last laugh’

Ahhhh man :frowning: right on. Christmas Day :frowning:

I think theyre fixing the final daily present gift that is broken. And you can buy those cards on steam

They are not free? Damn, i agreed than

If ur like me selling cards on steam u can get the trading cards easily >:)

Nah, i just wanna get pixel worlds card collection (idk why it doing btw)

you get one every time you buy something for money in the game through steam

Oh, well, i do not have money