What do u think of admins

Hello Pixelworlds!!! What do you think of the admins?
There will be 2 polls in here (that Retnos hopefully won’t delete)
First question: Is pw good?

WHO is ur favorite admin? Based their contributions to pw

  • Lokalapsi
  • BBricks
  • Sinderella
0 voters

Oh man we need a tie breaker

Ok here is the second one:

Pw condition
  • The game is in perfect condition!
  • It’s pretty good
  • It’s OK
  • It’s dying(inflation,hackers etc.)
  • They should make pw a meme
0 voters

Pw is good, but boring, nothing new here. Suggestion about new item never respond.

They all not moderation game btw

I could vote twice here

Just one thing I’d say. There are always new players , and some of them do hang around so for them they would not answer dying .

The game is ok but it needs new stuff for long termers to do …

For me I reckon I’ll lose interest when my xp hits max … I don’t chase xp but I would have done and done just about everything I like doing in the game at that point

Why is Lokalapsi here? Is she back in the game then ? I just don’t see how you can count someone who is inactive?

Lokalapsi is here because she might return soon but we don’t know