What should i invest on?

should i invest my bc and wl to mine or fishing?

Probably both, so you can swich between them.

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because of that, ill be upgraing my carbon rod to flawless, trying to get many bc for my dream item! thanks for the reply.

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spend on mining things

I haven’t does mining to earn gems, but with fishing. I spent about 150wls on a rod and gear, and now I have made around 55k gems in 3 days from fishing in the background while I do school work

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Hey mysterious im the one in the stream

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Mining more profitable but gets old pretty quickly
fishing less profitable than mining but gems but less effort for alot of gems

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What is ur dream item?

Hmmm I think that you should invest in the activity that you LIKE the most.
Although, I would recommend you to have at least some gears of both, but firstly focus on one first.

Wings of the Deep, prob will take me 5 years for it to happen.

ive bought the full mining set, although for no reason im still having doubts on it. i like mining but the doubts is my problem…

just do lvl 4 if you can earn 2pl everyday thats good enough and if u earn that everyday you can actually get wings in just 2months

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pretty risky, my wls rn is 21, will try it in the future!
specially when i get kicked after breaking a block in the mines ( the block ont break and dosent show off wifi sign )

have you tried using vpn my internet sucks i usually get kicked on the mines too without showing the wifi sign

vpn with payment, i am so poor like ingame but thanks.
ive posted it as bug and hopefully gets resolved

there are some free vpn out there just find the right one

expert 20yo gtopian mods including tk69/nenkai said never install a free vpn. bad idea.
idk, try suggesting.