What will happen if nobody enter the rift portal that spawn at ade...?

Like me, you may wonder what will happen if nobody enter the rift portal that spawn in the world “ade”.

And you may know that this never has been tried… and good news for you that reading this post…


First at all, i knew that the lights (picture here)

Would turn off 5 minutes after they turned on.

(In this case they turned on at 00:53:02 at my time / french time) and turned off 5 minutes later so at 00:58:02


My experiment was not to watch the rift portal spinning.

The experiment was to see how long can the rift portal can last and if the rift portal close / disappear when the lights turn off

And surprisingly… No.

The rift portal will stay open when the lights would turn off, the rift portal will last for 5 minutes and 10 seconds.

Also I recorded the whole footage and uploaded it to YouTube and the link of the video is down there.

I only did one mistake during this record… I didn’t tried to use the fragments when the rift portal was here… But because you get the fragments from the rift portal / world. I don’t really think this is that bad that i didn’t tried… I’ll try a next time.