What's happening with bsp shops?

What’s happening with bsp shops? I can’t find any bsp shop, or they’re just making so high prices.

I guess it’s because there is less players due to school and job… less players = less bsp shop

I had the same problem during my summer vacation. I think the weekend will be the same.

Hmm… i’m pretty sure there would be more players online during this weekend.

Halloween comes → Blacktower comes → Blacktower brings prizes → Blacktower costs gems → Bsp costs gems → Blacktower is more profitable than bsp → Gems are going to rise during blacktower → Everyone saves up gems and doesn’t spend them on bsp


Its also due to Zygora I think(no hate to him). He crossbreeded torches and mushrooms to get hair that can recycle big points, its very useful for recycle event. Now those are the top seeds people want and they are all sold out.

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Zygora did a lot of things that made me lose bytes.

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Zygora: Laughs in rich :joy::joy::joy:

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It’s somehow stupid when just 1 youtuber barking something and items rising or dropping. Like Elon Mask dropped bitcoin.

Rich pixelian players can manipulate the prices via PWE or using alts to accordingly adjust the item prices to their own will. Therefore using Zygora as an example, he predicted everything perfectly and that caused him to make a huge profit! Just like Elon Musk dropping BitCoin rates, it becomes similar as they both can inflate prices just because they are rich and famous.

Manipulating pwe - isn’t hard thing. I doing it too sometimes for profit. But when youtuber saying about some items in his videos and it’s start rising ( For example i remember he showed his mining set an there was pp chest it’s rised so much ) coz of his subscribers. It’s stupid when people repeat the actions of YouTubers, I don’t think about the consequences, despite the prices. This makes the price rise. That’s really annoying.

That’s due to his fan base and if you are an influencer, then you get huge benefits! :+1: