What's your biggest regret in Pixel Worlds?

The title says it all.

My biggest regret is probably taking a break for 2 years. Its 50/50 it benefits me personally but I was left behind as a player.


Probably, selling my pro water gun for a candy orb right after the 2017 summer event.


Wow, that’s a big loss.

My biggest regret is that I DID NOT keep my Leprechaun Cape, Horse Head Masks, Deep Sea Hats, Pixel Stratocaster, Leaf Wings & Clover Wings before leaving the game for around 2 years. They were all affordable before (ranging around 3 to 25 World Locks I believe?), I came back last week and was surprised to find out their current price. I guess I’m gonna stay as a poor veteran player forever lol.


Not selling my cabron fiber rod flawless for 50 wls to buy BUYGLITCH for 50 wls

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Hmm well when I was a noob I found the world drawer decayed broke the world lock and the stuff in it then left it unlocked because I didn’t understand value of world names


Not having a strong password in 2017 losing all my items to a person entering my account. Managed to lose the one thing that mattered too. Dp

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Wow was your pass password or something lol

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This is big OOF!

Me when someone was selling a 16k bc worth punchpool set for 100bc, why did I ignore to that moment…

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No it was pretty long but apparently not that long for a hacker

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I used characters not whole worlds


Selling the Drac Cape I got during the first Halloween event for only 600 world locks during the 2017 event.


The exact same regret as you actually, i missed out a lot of stuff in 2019 and 2020

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I had drac cape, bought it for 500wls. A week later sold it for 600wls… Biggest regret of my life…


i got a salamander moth on my early days of this game, which is a legendary butterfly, and sold it for 125k bc because i didn’t know the price. you can still check previous sales through pwe, the last one is the one i sold. salamander moth is 10pl+ if im correct.
well at least that made someones day…


at least your not the idiots who sold 29k and 30k bc


Scamming one dude when i started the game (I gave the pumpkin pet back to him dont worry lol)


My biggest regret is when i found chuthlu wings in a decayed world and sold them for 1wl

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Yes of course (20) whyy

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