Wheel of Fortune | Contest Entry

World Name: CLAVER
Creation: Wheel of Fortune
Every hour at XX:30 the “street lamp” (on the right, above the pipe, in the image above) and multiple red warning lights spread across the world activate for 1 minute to let people in the world know, that the wheel is starting. During that minute, players can choose a shaft to hop into, each corresponding to a color on the wheel. After the minute is over, the hatches close and the wheel starts spinning until it lands on a random color. The probabilities depicted by the color distribution on the wheel actually reflects the real probabilities. The spinning is animated and stops (after going around a few times) at the randomly chosen color. The bone gate for the chosen color then opens, letting everybody who chose that color claim it’s prize.
Technically, it could also be made to start in smaller or larger intervals and at a different time (XX:00, XX:45, XX:42, anything :sweat_smile:).
If you are Siskea and want to see it in action, but understandably not possibly wait for an hour, you can reset the wheel by turning the lever below it off and on again.

If this wins a prize, please split it by giving 50% to GARG0YLE (me :sweat_smile:) and the other 50% among all other members of the CLASH Clan.

World Screenshot