Why do people think the earth is flat?

This is how earth is really made:

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The Earth is not flat nor spherical.

The Earth has no known definite shape. It’s more like an Ellipsoid and a Geoid at the same time.

This is how our planet really looks like:

Just hear me out


I found a short answer for why some people think the Earth is flat.


Thing is, We are trying to stop a religion

I think earth is a Bubble

I thought that minimods were a Growtopia forums thing.

they have to see earth from space, and I guess that’s not so possible without enough gears

‘Nasa just coloured those pictures’

If we look logicly, the earth is not flat, and why we even think about it? Really, the earth is flat or sphere, why we care this? aah can anyone please answerrr I don’t want to start another question seriess

Because scientists and astronauts are spending their lives to trick us into believing the earth is not flat!

why we care the earth is flat or not, why do we want to go to moon? We know we can’t live there, even there is water, how many years it can help us? Will it efect the earth?? What is the difference if we notice the aliens? We don’t know they will attack us or help us?

You are right, we can’t delete the post, also he can’t, we can just stop to talk about it

Helium-3 can be found on the moon, Helium-3 could be used in future fusion reactors, which produce efficient and clean energy. A colony on The Moon is a step to expand the human race to become interplanetary. We can gather essential data from the moon that is required for Mars, as an example. The main point isn’t to find aliens, the main point is to understand the universe, as to understand ourselves and guarantee our survival as a species.

Right now we can only guess if we are alone or not. By finding life or signs of life elsewhere, we can observe that life can exist elsewhere, and that we might not be alone in the universe after all.

Thank you! (20 characters)

Have you heard of the fermi paradox? Kind of scary to think about. It primarily suggests that we are alone (to my knowledge) as if they did exist, we would’ve seen a sign already. there is a lot more depth to the paradox but i guess this is like a one sentence summary.

sure, some people claim to have seen aliens, but the videos they provide are like shop security cameras or in other words they are literally just pixels on a screen.

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The UFO sightings can all be explained by logic. Some people have had psychosis, migraine or hallucinated. Some have been caused by natural phenomenon. And some have been caused by people just plain-out lying in order to strengthen their ideology. And some lack proper evidence.

The Fermi Paradox is scary, but the universe is ridiculously huge. Even if life most certainly exists on hundreds of trillions of planets, they’d have no way of ever knowing each other due to the ridiculous scale of the universe.

doesn’t help that it is continuously expanding too.

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Honestly, stop trying to mislead people, this is what the Earth really looks like.

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